Welcome to Paradise
Paradise is a Religious or metaphysical term for a place in which existence is positive, harmonious and eternal. It is conceptually a counter-image of the supposed miseries of human Civilization, and in paradise there is only peace, prosperity, and happiness. Paradise is a place of contentment, but it is not necessarily a land of luxury and idleness. Paradise is often described as a "higher place", the holiest place, in contrast to this world, or underworlds such as Hell.
Paradise is the perfect state of the world prior to the fall from grace, and the perfect state that will be restored in the World to Come.

Acrylic & Oil on canvas 32"x22" inches 2013

Acrylic and oil on canvas 70"x46" inches 2014

Acrylic & Oil on canvas 70"x46" inches 2013

Acrylic & Oil on canvas 46"x22" inches 2013

Acrylic & Oil on canvas 32"x22" inches 2013

Acrylic & Oil on canvas 32"x22"inches 2013

Wall Mural 47"x30" inches 2013

Acrylic & Oil on panel 13.75"x12"inches 2013

Acrylic & Oil on panel 9.25"x7.25" in 18x24 cm